
Friday, August 21, 2009

Something Extraordinary

I just opened my e-mail and noticed something extraordinary! I received a comment from an author (see to right under comments) of a favorite book of mine! Kathy Peel is the author of many awesome books regarding my current full time position, a family manager. I truly love this title of what I do much better than "stay at home mom (SAHM)." When I hear the term SAHM, I think it does not do us justice. We don't just sit around and eat bon bons. #1) I HATE BON BONS! #2) How boring it would be to do that every day!

Managing your family & home is WORK! As a matter of fact, it is the hardest work I have ever done in my life. Unfortunately, I struggle more than the "average" family manager due to my impairment of attention deficit disorder. I crave to be organized but have trouble getting started and staying focused. Therefore, I have read many books about household organization.
I found Kathy Peel in the late 1990's. I saw her on the Oprah show. (Back when I used to watch Oprah, I no longer do...that will have to be a different post) I was very impressed with her so I purchased her book, The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide. Ever since reading this book, I refer to myself as a family manager. I deserve a respectable title for what I do. Don't you think?
Thank you, Kathy Peel, for taking the time out of your busy day to brighten my day! I appreciate it very much! I am grateful you share something with the world you are passionate about.
Before concluding, I want to thank my wonderful husband in whom I could share this title with. He has learned first hand what it is like to live with a woman with ADD. I know it is frustrating that I can't cook a meal as fast as he can, or wash the dishes, or tidy up, etc. He does all these things much quicker than I do. So after 15 years of marriage, he continues to love me anyway and HELPS tremendously around the house. I am embarrassed to admit this because I don't work outside the home. God knew I needed someone like him. Plus DH (dear hubby) knows that there are many other things that I do well. I have my good days and bad days. It is on those bad days, even though he has put in a full day at work, he will be helpful at home. How blessed I am! DH doesn't like me to tell everyone this because he thinks he is the only man around who helps around the house. =) LOL! I think he deserves some credit (his "love language" is Words of Encouragement), though. Besides, my "love language" is Acts of Service...he knows how to speak my language...Thanks honey! :)
Love Books,
P.S.: You can visit Kathy Peel's website at:

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